Thursday, March 3, 2011


Reality sets in!  Yes, late in the game, I know. did we get here?  Yeah, yeah, yeah....I know how it works...after all, I've had two children already.  So we've had sex at least twice before!  Pregnant with TWINS???  REALLY??  This is all I have kept asking myself for the past...oh...21 weeks now.  We found out that two more girls are on their way when I was six weeks along.  I could hardly believe that I had just completed my second 1/2 Marathon and didn't even know that I was preggers!  What a surprise it was for both of us!  And what a double surprise that it was twins!  4 Children is something I never ever contemplated even for a tiny second!  But here we are!  27 weeks along now and feeling fine.  So many feelings, so many emotions.  These children will be loved no doubt.  In a small way we feel blessed, as many friends and family have been very quick to point out!  On the other hand, we have received just as many condolences and "I'm so sorrys" to offset any possible excitement.  This does not make a huge life changing event any easier.

Went to the specialist yesterday to find out that Baby "A" is looking great and in the 28th Percentile for where she should be at this point.  However, Baby "B" (the higher one) is in the 11th Percentile and now there is a small concern.  My MD had stated that if I were working, this would be the time he would say that he wants me on bedrest.  Yup, that's right.  He stated that he wants me to think of the laziest person on the "Jerry Springer" show and be just like that!  WHAT???  BEDREST???  ARE YOU JOKING!!!  WHATEVER!!!  I've got a 5 1/2 and a 3 year old that make big messes and I have a hard enough time keeping up with the cleaning!  Not to mention I've got a house to unpack from moving and need to prepare for a baby shower!  OH YEAH, lest we forget, that I just bought a maternity bathing suit (which I have never done before) and started a water aerobics class.  Now, I'm supposed to sit on my duff and eat 2500 - 3000 calories a day!  YIKES!!!!

Seriously, I don't want to have any problems with these babies, nor do I want to have them come early or have any delivery complications.  I think that my husband would agree that I have done a good job taking care of myself and these little ones.  Now just need to see that we can not go into labor for another 9 weeks!  And hope that Baby "B" can get her groove on and grow a little more! 

It's hard to believe that just a few short months ago our lives were very different in Sacramento, CA. Everything seemed different.  Now we're back in our old house, with our old friends, and it is almost as we never left.  Life goes by so quickly, and if we don't all slow down...we might miss it!  It has taken me a really long time to realize such a concept.  This is something that my husband, Ruben, learned very quickly battling a serious illness years ago, and has preached to me this concept since we met.  Some of us, I guess, are just slow learners. 

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